Wednesday, April 16, 2014


Cold but looks to be sunny today.  Still have some snow and ice on the patio but, if temperatures get up into the mid 40s today, it should be gone by tonight.  I did bring in the pot for the new rose.  It will be unpacked an planted today.

Interesting little article on the relationship between technological innovation and debt.  But some very basic questions aren't asked--like will the technology really make my life easier, save me time, make operation more profitable given the amount of debt I have to incur.  This is similar to the question I asked about education yesterday: does the front end "investment" (i.e., debt) backend result in sufficient "profit" (good job, lifetime earning) to justify the investment?

Is anyone else getting tired of the "anniversaries" of mass murders/terrorist events?  This morning, so far, I have seen "remembrances" of the Boston Bombing (one year ago) and the Virginia Tech shootings (seven years ago) on the TV news.  All this week the news has force fed their viewers with stories of the "resilient" survivors, the community's coming together to support the victims and heal, and what is (or, more likely, not) going on with the case against the surviving Tsarnaev brother.  I am getting indigestion.

Great!!  Another pollution concern with tracking.

This shouldn't surprise anyone.  With the rising movement to legalize (to varying extents) marijuana across the country, those who don't want such legalization (for whatever reason) will be pushing any detrimental studies they can find.  The story doesn't say who funded the story but I am sure Harvard Medical School did it for free.  Nor does it say anything about the structural aspects of the study protocols.  This jury member is skeptical.  And the study didn't address another interesting point--how does the so-called damage marijuana cause compare to the changes in human brains on alcohol and tobacco both of which are legal but regulated.

I found this article immediately after reading this one.  What would you do if your electricity failed and wouldn't come back for at least a month?

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