Thursday, August 7, 2014


I am not a fan of the "internet of things."  I joke that I don't want too many machines around me "smarter" than I am.  My cable TV, phone (not a smart phone), e-reader and computer are about all I want.  I don't see the utility of having my appliances equipped with computer chips and connected via the intent.  Our grocery shopping is rather routine so we don't need our freezer and fridge telling us what we are low on or out of.  This piece reflects some of my thoughts on the subject.  Most commentators talk (or write) about "privacy" in terms of what governments (and law enforcement) can glean from our electronics but I am also very suspicious of business.  The one markets its surveillance as enhancing our safety; the other as enhancing our convenience and broadening our choices as consumers.  In truth, each is pursuing its own advantage.  Governments reduce us from citizens to cattle to be herded where they want us.  Business reduces us to "profit" points.  I refuse to be either.

Gene Logdson always has good points.  He makes me ask how much human (mal-)adaptive behavior is at the bottom of our myriad problems today.  He makes another good point on the limitations, mostly unacknowledged, of statistics and data.

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